VSoft Rating – risk assessment and management using rating models

The solution is used to assess the credit risk of institutional clients and related credit transactions.
With VSoft Rating you will always receive current and reliable data on the financial situation of counterparties.
VSoft Rating - ocena i zarządzanie ryzykiem z wykorzystaniem modeli ratingowych
Nasze systemy kredytowe obsługują rocznie:
1 100 000
klientów indywidualnych
900 000

średnich firm

22 000

dużych firm

największych banków korzysta z naszego rozwiązania

Advantages of implementing VSoft Rating

VSoft Rating collects and processes information on the financial position of entities, which allows to determine the rating classification of the entity and related transactions.

The system allows for the evaluation of reports and financial forecasts, qualitative assessment, collateral assessment and additional specialized assessments of the entity and transactions.

Moreover, what distinguishes VSoft Rating is:

  • a central repository of credit risk assessment, which contains the file of a given entity with all related processes,
  • accurate assessment of the entity and transactions, thanks to the acquisition of data from both external and internal systems,
  • higher quality of assessment processes and their standardization through ensuring the adequacy of credit risk assessment methods to given groups of entities and selection of the optimal model,
  • constant monitoring of operational processes, thanks to built-in versioning mechanisms and the use of reports dedicated to the needs of a specific process.
VSoft Rating gromadzi i przetwarza informacje o sytuacji finansowej podmiotów
A central risk assessment database
Standardization of assessment processes
Comprehensive risk management
Optimisation of risk assessment models
Anti-Money Laundering
Handling of post-sales processes
Gain access to always current data on the rating of an entity or transaction

Tools available in VSoft Rating

Entity file
The file stores a complete set of data necessary for the processes of rating an entity. Both the entity’s financial documents and those related to assessment processes can be managed from the file level. If necessary, data can be downloaded from external sources by means of connectors.
Financial documents
The system includes financial statement templates which allow to register reporting data and financial forecasts. Furthermore, the module allows transforming documents according to the implemented algorithm.
Rating models
The module allows to model any number of rating models dedicated to the assessment of individual groups of entities (e.g. by customer segments or legal forms of business), as well as groups of products (e.g. loan, leasing or factoring products). Modelling is done using graphical tools and can be performed independently by the customer. The module has full support for versioning models and calling them up in the system, as well as generating documents
Credit reports
The solution can handle a variety of assessment report templates, tailored to supported entity and transaction risk assessment methodologies. The credit report is completed with key data describing the entity being assessed and the credit transaction, along with details of the entity or transaction assessment performed.
Analytical reports
VSoft Rating uses Microsoft Reporting Services as a standard tool for defining, generating and handling reports. The implementation provides predefined analytical reports including ratings that expire within a pre-set time frame, information on active early warning signals (EWS) and a list of entities for which an EWS alert has been generated.
The system features a business configuration module, where you can, for instance, define a list of rating committee participants, as well as a module for defining the roles and permissions of system users. This gives the administrator full control over user access to data. If necessary, the system can be integrated with an external authentication provider, e.g. Active Directory.

The application of VSoft Rating

Determine the financial credibility of entities and select reliable counterparties.

Kompleksowa ocena ryzyka kredytowego - VSoft Rating

Comprehensive credit risk assessment

Obtaining a reliable and current assessment of an entity’s credit risk is extremely crucial in the course of credit proceedings. VSoft Rating assists in obtaining such an assessment and, more specifically, in determining the entity’s financial credibility and credit risk. In the system, models for assessing such risks are based on the Probability of Default (PD) estimation mechanism.

The process of assessing an entity involves several key elements, which include, among others, the selection of reports and forecasts, i.e. the determination of a set of financial documents on which a quantitative assessment will be performed and a financial rating assigned. The next step is to decide on the entity’s assessment methodology and evaluate the entity according to the indicated assessment methodology, including:

  • quantitative assessment,
  • comparative scoring,
  • qualitative assessment,
  • systemic assessment,
  • automatic corrections of rating,
  • manual correction of rating,
  • entity’s final rating.

As a result, the outcome of an entity’s credit rating is based on detailed data and an in-depth analysis.

Rating of business partners

When looking for a business partner, we rely on a reliable counterparty capable of meeting their obligations in a timely manner. Therefore, the most commonly used approach to assessing corporate entities, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, are ratings. They make it possible to accurately and based on reliable data determine the risks involved in doing business with a given customer.

VSoft Rating is a central repository for risk assessment, supported by a set of connectors to key databases and external systems. Integration via connectors allows for acquisition of even more data on the entity. The system can be implemented as a comprehensive risk assessment site for an organization, as well as in a model of full integration with product systems.

If necessary, the solution can be extended with additional modules, e.g. mechanisms for cyclical monitoring of assigned scoring. In this way, the system always presents the current situation and rating of the business partner.

Ocena ratingowa partnerów biznesowych - VSoft Rating

Additional materials

Kompleksowa ocena ryzyka kredytowego


Comprehensive Credit Risk Assessment
Analyzing trends in the banking sector, it is easy to notice that the attention of banking institutions is heavily focused on risk measurement and management.
Ocena ratingowa przedsiębiorstw


Rating assessment of companies
What should be included in the rating assessment of business partners, and how should the assigned rating be interpreted? We answer these questions and a few related issues in the article.
Ocena ratingowa transakcji


Rating assessment of transactions
Rating assessment of credit transactions is a crucial element in assessing risk, and along with the rating assessment of an entity, it constitutes the primary mechanism for managing operational risk, for example, in banking institutions.
Konektory pozwalają na łatwą i szybką integrację z zewnętrznymi bazami danych


VSoft Connectors
Connectors allow for easy and fast integration with external databases. Our offer enables the use of data in various business areas such as creditworthiness assessment, anti-fraud verification, or debt collection processes.

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