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The first edition of Digital Vendor Day

The first edition of Digital Vendor Day is behind us! We had the pleasure of participating in this unique meeting, which took place on June 18 in the Rotunda of PKO BP in Warsaw and brought together the largest leasing companies and solution providers supporting the digitalization of the sector. The event, organized by the Polish Leasing Association (ZPL), proved to be an excellent platform for sharing experiences, ideas and best practices.

Digital Vendor Day allowed us to present our advanced solutions, such as VSoft Insurance Platform, which can significantly improve processes in the leasing industry. VSoft’s solutions, presented by our experts Anna Kurek-Planeta and Grzegorz Skulimowski, were met with great interest by the participants, which resulted in many valuable discussions and conversations.

The meeting was of great value to us and provided an even better understanding of the challenges and needs of leasing companies. Digital Vendor Day was a unique event that successfully met its objectives, enabling integration and cooperation between key players in the leasing market and providers of innovative technologies.

We would like to thank the organizers from the Polish Leasing Association for this excellent initiative and the invitation to participate in this important event for the industry, which supports the leasing sector in leveraging the potential of modern technologies. We hope that Digital Vendor Day will become a permanent fixture in the calendar of industry events.

A comprehensive system for the sale, handling and settlement of policies designed for financial industry entities. The solution supports and automates the management of a portfolio of insurance products.