VSoft archITekt – a low-code platform

The archITekt platform helps to build IT systems easily and flexibly within just a few days in a single standard.

The simplicity of low-code technology allows the tool to be used in any company where digitizing processes significantly impacts its development, regardless of the industry. It accelerates the work of developer teams and enables the creation of applications not only by developers but also by business users who do not know programming languages.

VSoft archITekt – platforma low-code

Our low-code platform is:


faster application development


video tutorials


specialized training courses
Low-code otwiera nowe możliwości. Platforma VSoft archITekt

The platform opens up new possibilities for companies that want to engage business teams to a greater extent or those that don’t have enough programming capabilities

Low-code opens up new possibilities

Creating IT solutions traditionally requires the involvement of programmers using multiple programming languages. An alternative to this process is the use of a low-code platform.

With the help of a graphical and intuitive interface, a VSoft archITekt user can build simple applications or complex systems. This ensures that the solutions created meet the specific needs of the company.

Working on the platform does not require knowledge of programming languages; all actions are based on building logic, applying rules, and using visual techniques. Projects created in this way quickly respond to emerging organizational needs, while saving time and reducing costs. Using low-code technology increases the efficiency of system design teams, providing great satisfaction in the process.

What are the advantages of the archITekt platform?

There are many advantages to using a low-code platform. From a business perspective, it is primarily the flexibility in introducing changes to the built or developed system, the ability to quickly prototype and implement ideas, thus shortening time to market and lowering maintenance costs.

In practice, a significant advantage over traditional software development methods is the absence of the need for programming language knowledge and writing code. It also allows for the creation of IT systems in a single standard. The project team can consist of so-called citizen developers, individuals who are not programmers but have basic IT knowledge. Citizen developers have access to up-to-date documentation, a tutorial base, and can also participate in workshops and training sessions.

An important feature of the product is a flexible business model that includes various types of licenses, including the option to test the platform.

Jakie są przewagi platformy archITekt?
Shorter time of developing an application
Involvement of people from outside IT

Cost reduction

One working environment
Maintaining standards and compatibility
Comprehensiveness – from prototyping to applications in a production mode
Would you like to switch to a low-code approach, but don’t know how to start?

One platform – many possibilities

Build effective enterprise-class systems with a set of configurable features


Automating business processes requires creating structures and standardizing data sets, which form the basis of predefined rules. The clear advantage is the ability to quickly modify them.

User Interface

Designing the look of the created application involves customizing GUI elements such as forms, lists, application menus, and the related data structures and dictionaries.


Building business rules is done using a user-friendly graphical designer. Algorithms modeled in this way constitute a separate part of the system, making them easy to modify.


Defining and managing processes involves linking subsequent operations in the form of a diagram. The module includes a wide range of universal process activities and allows for its expansion.

Data Processing

Integration with other systems is possible through data exchange and packages for mass processing of data sets with throughput reaching up to a million records per second.

Document Generation

The designed processes are complemented by document templates prepared in the MS Word environment. The generation of print-ready or send-ready files occurs automatically.

Task schedules
The module allows the execution of tasks performed in response to events, as well as cyclic tasks scheduled in calendars, according to the specified logic and frequency.
The functionality enables versioning of changes made to the system’s business configuration, their documentation, as well as the transfer of configuration elements between various environments.
Document generation
The designed processes are complemented by document templates prepared in MS Word environment. The generation of files ready for printing or mailing is automatic.

The applications of VSoft archITekt

See in which processes the low-code platform will effectively support the development of your business.
Z VSoft archITekt można tworzyć zarówno proste aplikacje, jak i złożone systemy

Creating a prototype system

Would you like to see if your planned system project translates into practice? With VSoft archITekt it is possible! Thanks to the platform, business teams will be able to validate their ideas and ways to implement them.

The degree of complexity does not matter here. With VSoft archITekt you can develop both simple applications and complex systems. The built prototype provides a basis for working on the target solution, while demonstrating all possible errors. It is double saving –      shorter time and lower cost of the entire project.

One central low-code platform

Maintaining and developing several tools is costly and time-consuming, and their integration with each other is sometimes impossible. With a low-code platform, you will build a compatible system fully tailored to your company’s needs. VSoft archITekt will be great for building small processes, such as web forms, business rules or reports, as well as will easily feed the system with data. Low-code allows you to quickly create solutions that eliminate business problems. VSoft archITekt works perfectly in applications such as:

  • processing of large amounts of data and data migration,
  • integration of systems
  • creation of any forms,
  • building calculation algorithms and workflow,
  • creation of price lists, billing, accounting and commission systems,
  • creation of templates and mass generation of documents, document workflow,
  • digitization of production, logistics and business processes.

You can find a detailed description of VSoft archITekt applications on the product website.

Jedna centralna platforma low-code - VSoft archITekt

Additional materials

{low-code} Wszystko, co chcesz wiedzieć, ale boisz się zapytać


{low-code} Everything you want to know but are afraid to ask
We have prepared an extensive guide containing the most important information that will allow you to get to know the characteristics of low-code tools better and understand the differences between their types.
Jak wybrać właściwą platformę low-code?


How to choose the right low-code platform?
If you’ve already had the opportunity to experience the benefits of low-code and are considering using these types of tools, you have another difficult step ahead of you: choosing a specific platform. How to go about it?
Poznaj wszystkie dostępne pakiety licencyjne i możliwości wsparcia dla platformy VSoft archITekt


Licensing packages

The archITekt platform can be deployed either in an on-premises model or as a cloud solution within the Azure Marketplace. Discover all available licensing packages and support options.

Artykuły poświęcone tematyce low-code


Articles dedicated to the low-code topic
Praktyczne zastosowania, case-study i przede wszystkim duża dawka wiedzy, pozwalająca odnaleźć się w świecie low-code.
Transform your company using low-code
Visit vsoft-architekt.com, where you will find more details about the solution.