VSoft Document Services – mass generation of documents

The solution automates the process of mass creation and handling of documents, emails and text messages, enabling standardisation in this area.
VSoft Document Services – masowe generowanie dokumentów
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VSoft Document Services to innowacyjny dodatek do znanego i lubianego MS Word

VSoft Document Services is an innovative add-in for the well-known and popular MS Word, designed to make document generation simple, automatic and reliable.

The more documents, the greater the need for automation

Thriving companies and organisations usually have to tackle a huge volume of correspondence, both paper and electronic. Sending documents or messages appears at virtually every stage of communication with customers, contractors and employees.
Manually creating document templates, filling in data, making calculations and inserting tables takes up the time of staff who are competent to perform far more challenging tasks.

Document generation complements the operation of business processes

Complex business processes require the creation of a variety of document templates. Maintaining their consistency in terms of structure and appearance is extremely difficult, and deciding which letter to send and when involves meticulous monitoring of communication.

Thanks to integration with internal systems, VSoft Document Services may support all fields of operation. Document generation complements the defined business processes and supports their smooth execution.

The tool can be used, for instance, to draw up invoices, contracts, reports or waybills.

VSoft Document Services dzięki integracji z wewnętrznymi systemami może wspierać wszystkie obszary działalności
Standardisation of the documentation layout

An intuitive way of designing

Support for the letter service

See how to generate documents quickly and without errors

Functionalities, thanks to which the creation of documents requires less commitment

Availability of MS Word functions

The possibility of using all MS Word functions in the document template and inserting charts from MS Excel.

Completing the template with data from the system

Inserting tags within the document template to be filled in with data downloaded from the system.

Tables and lists

Multiple data insertion: filling in data tables, completing lists in the document.

Business process printout

The use of printouts as one of the activities in a defined business process.

Generating documents as a service

The possibility of generating documents for multiple systems by providing them with a web service.

Reduced size of generated documents

No need to install office tools in the production server environment and reduction of the size of the generated documents, thanks to using the Open XML (.docx files).

Learn the story behind one of our VSoft Document Services implementations

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Bankowe podejście do generowania dokumentów - VSoft Document Services

Bank approach to document generation

Is it possible to easily automate the complicated process of generating a large number of highly complex and multi-variant documents? Particularly where each document must contain personalised information and be delivered to the customer on paper?

Let’s see how such a process might proceed, using the example of handling debt collection cases at the Bank.

Additional materials

Szkoda czasu na kopiuj wklej. Automatyczne generowanie dokumentów i szablonów – jak to zrobić?


Banking approach to document generation
Is it possible to automate the complex process of generating a large number of very complex and multi-variant documents in a simple way? We have a way to do it!
Jak stworzyć system do korespondencji seryjnej w 5 prostych krokach


How to create a mail merge system in 5 easy steps
When creating an IT system, is there a way to provide automation on one hand, and not require a team of programmers for implementation and maintenance on the other? Yes, there is, and it’s by using low-code
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Is it possible to process 1.5 million cases in 47 minutes using a low-code platform?
If processing large volumes of data or generating huge amounts of documents in your company does not work as it should, We encourage you to get acquainted with the VSoft archITekt platform
Generowanie dokumentów w doradztwie inwestycyjnym


Generating Documents in Investment Consulting
How to build templates for generating even complex documents using only a basic text editor in just a few dozen minutes? We encourage you to read on!

Write to us

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