VSoft Scoring - scoring models in risk assessment and management

VSoft Scoring supports the assessment of an entity's credibility in order to obtain a financial product. The solution can be implemented as a central point of risk assessment or as an integrator with product systems.
VSoft Scoring - modele scoringowe w ocenie i zarządzaniu ryzykiem
Nasze systemy kredytowe obsługują rocznie:
1 100 000
klientów indywidualnych
900 000

średnich firm

22 000

dużych firm

największych banków korzysta z naszego rozwiązania

Advantages of implementing the VSoft Scoring system

Implementing a scoring solution increases profit and reduces risk in credit portfolios of financial institutions.

VSoft Scoring provides support for the optimisation of risk assessment models through mechanisms of the mass calculation of scoring models. It is possible thanks to data stored in the system (simulations, calibrations, verification  of model effectiveness).

By continuously monitoring the data, the system provides a consistent and objective way of assessing credit applications and accelerates the approval or rejection stage. Customer service time is thus minimised.

Additional advantages of VSoft Scoring include:

  • standardisation and improvement of the quality of risk assessment processes through assessment methods tailored to the relevant types of clients.
  • support of external and internal databases. Customer assessment can be supported by data from internal and external systems. Extending the system with VSoft Connectors ensures smooth communication with a number of additional information databases, e.g. BIK KI, BIK PAF KI, Kontomatik.
  • independent development of assessment models and report templates through built-in versioning mechanisms and the ability to handle multiple scoring models and report templates simultaneously.
Wdrożenie rozwiązania scoringowego zwiększa zysk i ogranicza ryzyko portfela kredytowego instytucji finansowych
Central point of risk assessment
Effective risk management
High quality of the credit portfolio
Lower operating costs
Reduction of credit losses
Check the credibility of your contractors with the risk assessment module in your organization

Scoring models handled

Application scoring

The system offers ready-made business templates in application handling, which can be adapted or built anew according to customer requirements. The assessment then takes into account the participants of the application as well as the application itself. Application is made in the context of assessing financial and social status. This could include, for example, data on gender, age, education , earnings.

Behavioural scoring
Behavioural scoring is calculated on the basis of data on the previous handling of financial products used by the customer, e.g. the maximum number of days of delay in loan repayment in the last six months, the number of active cash loans, the number of loan enquiries over a certain period.
Fraud scoring
Scoring models can be used to assess the risk of credit fraud. Based on the customer’s data and, for instance, data downloaded from the BIK PAF KI, the entity can determine the risk of the borrower attempting to defraud the loan, e.g. through identity theft.
Propensity scoring
In order to appropriately customise the credit offer, banks and loan companies can use VSoft Scoring to check and assess a customer’s so-called propensity to debt. This helps to eliminate customers who may have difficulty repaying new liabilities.
Communication with external databases
The system can communicate with key information databases. Extending the system with connectors allows the automation of the assessment process in areas such as fraud assessment, supporting assessment, transaction and customer assessment and the use of customer data.
Add your functionality
Monitoring and risk assessment can be used in various business areas. Write to us, briefly describing your application need, and we will prepare an offer for you.

Applications of VSoft Scoring

Explore a solution to streamline creditworthiness assessment

VSoft Scoring wykorzystuje kombinację danych finansowych, historii kredytowej i innych informacji, aby przypisać pożyczkobiorcy punktację lub ocenę

Credit risk assessment in a bank

Bank scoring systems are used to assess the creditworthiness of a person or company. VSoft Scoring uses a combination of financial data, credit history and other information to assign a score or rating to the borrower. Automatic verification significantly accelerates the process and reduces customer service time. Based on the result, a bank employee determines whether to grant credit or reject the application.

Our solution also enables the application of different scoring models for various types of loans, such as mortgages, cash loans, limits or credit cards.

If necessary, the solution can be extended with additional modules, e.g. mechanisms for cyclical monitoring of assigned scoring. In this way, the system always presents an up-to-date situation and assessment that can be used, for instance, in CRM campaigns.

Additional materials

Credit systems and central systems in banks - VSoft Credit


Credit systems and central systems in banks
Central systems should be divided into smaller parts, often updated and adjusted to changing requirements.
Otwarta bankowość to nowe możliwości dla firm spoza sektora finansowego


Open banking brings new opportunities for non-financial sector businesses
For customers, open banking means convenience, lower costs, completely new services and opportunities. For businesses, on the other hand, it is an opportunity to access one of the most valuable assets of the financial industry – in-depth customer information.
Konektory pozwalają na łatwą i szybką integrację z zewnętrznymi bazami danych


VSoft Connectors
Connectors allow for easy and fast integration with external databases. Our offer enables the use of data in various business areas such as creditworthiness assessment, anti-fraud verification, or debt collection processes.
Kompleksowa ocena ryzyka kredytowego


Comprehensive Credit Risk Assessment
Analyzing trends in the banking sector, it is easy to notice that the attention of banking institutions is heavily focused on risk measurement and management.

Write to us

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We’d love to tell you more about the VSoft Scoring system! Complete the form and we will contact you and present the range of possible solutions.

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