Mobile Workforce – greater efficiency of field teams

A comprehensive solution that will work wherever tasks are conducted off-site. It facilitates scheduling of team activities, reporting and accounting for results
VSoft Mobile Workforce – większa efektywność zespołów terenowych
MW is a proven application that will give you better results:

up to 30%

increased efficiency of mobile teams

up to 50%

more efficient planning


data security standard

Praca w terenie wymaga aplikacji do zadań specjalnych

Mobile Workforce meets the needs of field team managers and supports those working off-site.

Field work requires applications for special tasks

There are numerous popular tools to help companies and various types of organisations cope with planning, assigning and executing field tasks. A traditional kit of a mobile worker includes email software, free maps and even paper forms.
Optimal route planning, the allocation of responsibilities between individual employees, as well as the execution of the visit according to the planned scenario, requires the use of a dedicated application.

Advantages of implementing Mobile Workforce

MW is a turnkey tool that comprehensively manages the work of mobile teams, increasing their efficiency. Intelligent algorithms help managers to create schedules, monitor and measure progress.

The application supports communication with employees, as well as provides them with all the information they need on site. The creation of visit reports is simple and convenient, which is of paramount importance in field conditions.

However, not only field teams gain from the implementation of Mobile Workforce. The introduction of standards for conducting a visit also improves the quality of service. The environment also benefits from the paperless approach.

Korzyści wdrożenia VSoft Mobile Workforce

Easy reporting of visits

Electronic document flow
Fast and secure access to data
Higher quality of customer service
Minimising fuel costs
Would you like to make better use of your field workers’ potential?

Key functionalities

Automatic scheduling

The rules for the automatic allocation of tasks to employees use criteria such as tags, region or working hours, according to which tasks are distributed in the most optimal way.

Route optimisation
All of the employee’s tasks are arranged on the map as consecutive route points so that travel time and distances to destinations are as short as possible, thus reducing costs.
Field work reporting
Report templates, the possibility of adding attachments and an offline mode make it easy for employees to conduct visits, as well as to supplement information about them later.
Measuring efficiency

Data collected in the form of reports are complete and organised, enabling monitoring of a team’s work and analysis of results. The manager panel includes editable dashboards.

Two-way communication

Chat, available via mobile and web applications, is a fast and convenient form of communication between a manager and an employee, particularly suitable for field and remote work.

Your functionality

The Mobile Workforce app is constantly developing for and thanks to its users. We are open to new ideas to improve the activities of mobile teams. Suggest your functionality!

Examples of using Mobile Workforce

Kaczmarski Inkasso case study

Increase the efficiency of your field teams with an app for special tasks!

With the Mobile Workforce over 50 employees, performing a total of approx. 3500 visits per month, has increased efficiency by as much as 26%.

However, not only figures speak for the benefits to the company! As Radosław Koński, Debt Collection Department Director in Kaczmarski Inkasso emphasises, due to the high quality of the services provided, a tool was needed for field operations that, in addition to facilitating the tasks, would also be safe, functional and reliable.

Additional materials


Modern service management with Mobile Workforce

Companies providing field services such as servicing, repairs, inspections, or installations operate in a dynamic and demanding environment, where time and quality of service are of the essence. Find out how the Mobile Workforce application can effectively facilitate tasks and significantly impact the quality of services offered.


Data security in Mobile Workforce

Mobile applications in fieldwork mean convenient and quick access to a range of information from a smartphone or tablet. Regardless of the device, customer data and other confidential documents must be adequately protected from unauthorized access, loss, or theft. We outline the key features and data protection practices of the Mobile Workforce.


Event logging as one of the TOP functions of the Mobile Workforce

Reporting and scheduling the work of field teams is an important topic for many businesses, especially those in the service sector. Event logging is one of the most important functions for accurately monitoring employees’ work in the field. It enables comprehensive management of employees and processes in the field, ensuring high-quality service and timely completion of tasks.

Wpływ technologii na jakość obsługi klienta w windykacji terenowej


Impact of technology on the quality of customer service in field debt collection
In this article, we will present the scope of responsibilities of a debt collector, as well as the benefits of using our application in their work. We invite you to read it!
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